Sottotitoli in Italiano
Firenze, 14 Marzo 2013 ore 20.30 - Via Masaccio - Firenze
Un evento a cura del CIPOG – Centro Italiano di Psicoterapia ad Orientamento Gestaltico
Aperto a psicologi, psicoterapeuti della Gestalt e di altri orientamenti, specializzandi e studenti interessati ad approfondire questo potente approccio alla psicoterapia, coinvolgente e ricco di sfumature.
Ingresso consentito anche a tutti coloro che desiderano conoscere le basi del nostro modello di terapia.
L'evento è gratuito per gli iscritti al Workshop Internazionale sulla Gestalt Therapy che si terrà il 15 e 16 Marzo 2014.
Per i non iscritti al workshop è necessaria la prenotazione con quota di ingresso di 10€
Disponibilità limitata, riservate un posto!
Sgreteria del CIPOG
T. +39 (055) 094 45 70
T. +39 (06) 99 70 99 35
E.: info@cipog.com
Bob Resnick (founding member, first trainer and first president of GTILA) will be personally screening these new films demonstrating at least one approach of contemporary Gestalt Therapy. The films focus on field theory, phenomenology and are deeply dialogic. The emphasis is on process, awareness and the dialogic relationship as being the best living crucible to access characterological ways people interrupt healthy self regulation of their contact and withdrawal rhythms. The relevant past has a life in the present.
The films are real therapy sessions - all in real time from our (GATLA's) summer European training workshops – 41 years. Some of the films to be showed will be the same as were shown at UCLA last February while others come from the July, 2011 40th anniversary summer program in Greece. There are no actors, no script and nothing has been added or cut. Professionally recorded, they will soon be subtitled in multiple languages.
Each of the three short sessions demonstrates a different kind of clinical work:
- When the relationship between the client and therapist is figural (the “freshest fish”) – and the engagement of two phenomenologies (dialogue) create the differences for awareness to emerge and therapy to happen.
- When the client is focused on their relationship with someone or something outside the consulting room and the relationship in the room is primarily in the holding/supporting and/or confirming ground as well as the healthy addition of difference to the dialogue, for the client’s unfolding of new experiences – relationship as conduit and catalyst.
- When the client is withdrawn and not available for contact and/or even repels attempts at contact. For the therapist to be dialogic when the client cannot or will not be dialogic.
Bring your biases, your ability to perceptually reorganize and most importantly, your sense of humor. Bob, who will be present to introduce each film, appreciates and encourages questions, comments and comparisons at the end of the screening.
Disponibilità limitata, riservate un posto!
Sgreteria del CIPOG
T. +39 (055) 094 45 70
T. +39 (06) 99 70 99 35
E.: info@cipog.com
Robert W. Resnick, Ph.D. is an internationally known Gestalt Therapist and Trainer and core faculty of GATLA as well as guest trainer at many Gestalt Institutes worldwide. Bob, the youngest of the Gestalt "old timers", was chosen by Fritz Perls to introduce Gestalt Therapy to Europe in 1969. Since then, he has been training worldwide (45 years) and has had the very special opportunity to teach, train and learn from thousands of therapists and students from dozens of different countries across all these decades and generations. For years, he has been threatening to edit some new Gestalt Therapy videos and to write. Finally this is happening. In another life, Bob was a New York City taxicab driver while moonlighting at CCNY and Columbia University.
Email: BobResnick@aol.com