Giada Bruni
Psycologist - Psychotherapist - Gestalt Therapist

I graduated in Psychology at the University of Florence with a graduation thesis on dynamic Psychology about narcissistic relationships.
I was trained in Gestalt therapy in Rome and then I improved my traning with GATLA (Gestalt Associates Training Los Angeles).
In 2004, with my husband Dr. Raffaele Frisone, I founded C.I.P.O.G (Centro Italiano di Psicoterapia ad Orientamento Gestaltico) and in 2007 we developed a special program to work with couples in couple's therapy.
Its related website, has become in the past few years a reference for couple's therapy in Italy, and generated interest in some main specialistic national magazines with some interviews.
As a free lancer I provide individual and couple's sessions and I have private practices in both Rome and Florence.
I organized many wokshops in Rome, Florence and Rieti about Identity, Relationships and Change, and Raffaele and I both organize the international wokshop on Couple's Therapy and Gestalt Therapy which C.I.P.O.G. presented in Italy since 2014.
My main interests include improving the creative and relational skills especially in couples which is one of the most sensitive areas in life and represents a good chance to dig deeper into an individuals' disease that affects all society.
I consider the contact-withdrawal rhythm in a long term relationship as an art as well as a search for balance between belonging and autonomy, which are the core existential needs for human beings, and for many years I have been personally and professionally engaged in the development of the "contact boundary" concept that is an ispiration principle for a relationship where the right of of both individuals to differ is recognized as a strength rather than a threat.
I wrote many papers about Gestalt Therapy and Gestalt Philosophy and I co-authored with Dott. Raffaele Frisone of " C'era una volta…e vissero quasi sempre felici e contenti". Verso una nuova cultura della relazione di coppia"(2009)
Among my writings:
"Le figure mitologiche del Destino" (2004)
"Il Confine di contatto" (2006)
"Il disturbo Borderline di personalità secondo l'approccio della Psicoterapia della Gestalt" (2007)
"Di verso/Verso-di : Il processo di separazione e connessione in una coppia
secondo la logica delle differenze individuali" (2008)
"La teoria del processo in Gestalt Therapy: gli esseri umani nascono sani" (2011)
"The importance of the concept of Contact Boundary in Gestalt Therapy" (2012)
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